Azure ADB2C unable to update and find the profile photo of user using microsoft graph api
Hi there,, I've been struggling to use Graph API to update and find profile photo .
I use "grant_type=client_credentials" to get access token and it works well to get user information and update user's surname.
However, I have some problem with update profile photo of a user with "Directory.AccessAsUser.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All, User.ReadWrite.All" API permission in the setting of Azure AD, App registration. I also grant admin consent for the API permission. I tested the API with postman and got "message": "{\"error\":{\"code\":\"OrganizationFromTenantGuidNotFound\",\"message\":\"The tenant for tenant guid 'abf974f9-e104-46d9-8df6-3f59057043ef' does not exist.\",\"innerError\":{\"oAuthEventOperationId\":\"9d2badb5-4895-43f3-b2b4-e08c97d53338\",\"oAuthEventcV\":\"Ur7jaW+r9EiIoHc0cOcfEw.1.1.1\",\"errorUrl\":\"\",\"requestId\":\"88767d70-f13c-49ec-ae71-d27523***\",\"date\":\"2021-02-22T06:49:46\"}}}"
Is there any way to solve the problem ?