Hello @Rohit Kulkarni ,
Thanks for the ask and using the Microsoft Q&A platform .
I am pretty confident that there is no function at this time in Azure data factory which can help here . When we create a pipeline it reads the top records from the source and determines the data types and if there is a different data type on the sink side than what is expected the pipeline will fail . Moreover on a side note updating the data types on the sink can corrupt the data . Lets say that yesterday the pipeline runs fine and ingest the data of type varchar(8) and the record is "Himanshu" , ingestation works fine . Today by some means the data coming of different type is say varchar(5) and you tend to update the table to varchar(5) . The ingestion which you did yesterday "Himanshu" will now be updated to "Himan" . Please share more insight on the design , may be we can help .
One thing which you can try is to have all the fields on the sink to be varchar(X) , this may work out for you .
Please do let me know how it goes .
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