Thanks @zemuldo !
I tried the query in graph explorer but I'm confused about the results.
When I run the query without the $select filter, I get the entire message contents. However, the permissions tab says "One of the following permissions is required to run the query" and it lists Mail.ReadBasic as one of those permissions. That makes me think any one of the listed permissions are required, not that I need all the listed permissions.
So, according to the permissions tab, Mail.ReadBasic
is enough to run the following query:$filter=isRead ne true
But if you look at the results in my screenshot, I got the body tag with the results which shouldn't be allowed with only ReadBasic.
It partially makes sense because I shouldn't need both Mail.Read
and Mail.ReadWrite
for the results. Either one of those on their own should work but it doesn't make sense that Mail.ReadBasic
would be sufficient on its own.
I tried to login and consent to only Mail.ReadBasic but the consent option for ReadBasic is broken. I get a console error "ServerError: The provided value for the input parameter 'scope' is not valid. The scope 'Mail.ReadBasic openid profile' does not exist."
What is my misunderstanding? Thanks for your help!