Illegal characters accepted by Quick Edit - SharePoint 2016

JC 1 Reputation point

My office is using SharePoint 2016 and Office 2016.

I've noticed that when my clients are copy/pasting data from Word/Excel into SharePoint lists using Quick Edit in SharePoint lists, some invisible special characters get copied over which break some of the functionalities of Lists. For example, page navigation and column filters don't work on the page where the special character is found.

Is there a way clients can find and fix the problem characters on their own?

If not, is there a list of the characters the Edit form filters out but Quick Edit doesn't so I know what to clean up via script?


So far, I've discovered the following unicode characters to cause problems:
0002 (start of text)
0007 (bell?)
0011 (vertical tab)
0030 (record separator)

SharePoint Server
SharePoint Server
A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.
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