So I have been using the code below and get the appropriate results for the first three IF statements. However, when trying to add the check bokes, I get a whole number, not a decimal and not a currency value. I am not sure on how to display the addition of text boxes as ("c"), any advise?
'Check for additional services
If chkLevel3.Checked = True Then
lblFeatures.Text = decchkLevel3.ToString("c")
End If
If chkOnSite.Checked Then
lblFeatures.Text = decchkOnSite.ToString("c")
End If
If chkCloud.Checked = True Then
lblFeatures.Text = decchkCloud.ToString("c")
End If
If chkOnSite.Checked And chkCloud.Checked Then
lblFeatures.Text = decchkOnSite + decchkCloud
End If
If chkOnSite.Checked And chkLevel3.Checked Then
lblFeatures.Text = decchkOnSite + decchkLevel3