In the computer vision client there are 2 different ways to tag an image. --> computervision_client.tag_image_in_stream and ** computervision_client.describe_image_in_stream**
Code is as following
from import ComputerVisionClient
from import OperationStatusCodes
from import VisualFeatureTypes
from msrest.authentication import CognitiveServicesCredentials
from array import array
import os
from PIL import Image
import sys
import time
subscription_key = "53f32bba50f1443cb9ae7e927441db83" #I randomized it
endpoint = ""
computervision_client = ComputerVisionClient(endpoint, CognitiveServicesCredentials(subscription_key))
local_image_path = "/Users/kunal/Documents/AzureCompetition/Testing_img_NEW290_.jpg"
The image is
When I run the code of
print("===== Tag an Image - local =====")
Open local image file
local_image = open(local_image_path, "rb")
Call API local image
tags_result_local = computervision_client.tag_image_in_stream(local_image)
print("== OutPut ==")
for tag in tags_result_local.tags:
print("\t'{}' with confidence {:.2f}% and with hints of {}".format(, tag.confidence * 100, tag.hint))
Result is
===== Tag an Image - local =====
== OutPut ==
'outdoor' with confidence 99.94% and with hints of None
'sky' with confidence 99.91% and with hints of None
'tree' with confidence 99.47% and with hints of None
'way' with confidence 94.48% and with hints of None
'scene' with confidence 89.64% and with hints of None
'plant' with confidence 72.12% and with hints of None
'road' with confidence 63.33% and with hints of None
'highway' with confidence 18.62% and with hints of None
And for the description
print("===== Describe an Image - local =====")
Open local image file
local_image = open(local_image_path, "rb")
Call API
description_result = computervision_client.describe_image_in_stream(local_image)
Get the captions (descriptions) from the response, with confidence level
print("== Description ==")
if (len(description_result.captions) == 0):
print("No description detected.")
for caption in description_result.captions:
print("\t'{}' with confidence {:.2f}%".format(caption.text, caption.confidence * 100))
print("== TAGS ==")
for i in description_result.tags:
print("\tTags: {}".format(i))
===== Describe an Image - local =====
== Description ==
'a road with trees and buildings' with confidence 32.45%
== TAGS ==
Tags: outdoor
Tags: sky
Tags: tree
Tags: way
Tags: scene
Tags: road
Tags: highway
So key thing is that the tags from the tag_image_in_stream is outdoor', 'sky' , 'tree', 'way', 'scene', 'plant', 'road', 'highway',
and from describe_image_in_stream is outdoor', 'sky' , 'tree', 'way', 'scene', 'plant', 'road', 'highway',
These are the same
When I run using the example API using this link
The result is
The tags are
Tags [ { "name": "outdoor", "confidence": 0.9993659 }, { "name": "sky", "confidence": 0.9990735 }, { "name": "tree", "confidence": 0.994749665 }, { "name": "way", "confidence": 0.9448272 }, { "name": "scene", "confidence": 0.8963659 }, { "name": "plant", "confidence": 0.7211918 }, { "name": "road", "confidence": 0.633260369 }, { "name": "highway", "confidence": 0.1862132 } ]
Description { "tags": [ "outdoor", "road", "scene", "grass", "street", "side", "sidewalk", "sign", "track", "small", "riding", "path", "empty", "train", "platform", "narrow", "traveling", "stop", "country", "man", "board", "ramp", "double" ], "captions": [ { "text": "a sign on the side of a road", "confidence": 0.9447127 } ] }
In description it includes a lot more tags (i need result of sidewalk) so why is there a different result.
Same thing if I use the PIP Install and same thing if I use the ** REST API Directly from curl**
curl -H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: 53f32bba50f1443cb9ae7e927441db83" -H "Content-Type: application/json" ",Description&details=Landmarks" -d "{\"url\":\"\"}"
{"categories":[{"name":"outdoor_road","score":0.5703125,"detail":{"landmarks":[]}}],"description":{"tags":["outdoor","sky","tree","way","scene","road","highway"],"captions":[{"text":"a road with trees and buildings","confidence":0.3245285749435425}]},"requestId":"2afd8806-2fff-4611-a9c2-24bccf49bf10","metadata":{"height":640,"width":640,"format":"Jpeg"}}
Same image everywhere
Img link is\_.jpg