Azure Text to Speech error

vanderghast 1 Reputation point

How to solve an error within Azure Speech, Text To Speech, when I get 60+K matches>

The error is "Failed to fetch voices" in all its splendor. Doh. "Where is the anykey? " as Homer asked.

What I am doing? you mean short of ready to throw my PC through the window or trying to get an appointment to help my hunger management? Oh, well, I go to "", sign in, ... up to now, no problem, not really too hard to follow, I hope, then I click [Get Started], ... and once the page is loaded, visually, that is where I get a sequence of errors like "Failed to fetch voices" and all the same. If I insist on clicking on the button [New], same kind of sequence, but then the "wait" wheel try to perform up to the end of times or something as usefull. If I look for the error messages, I get 60K+ matches, truncated. Maybe I am not alone with that error, or maybe it is just too basic? Anyhow, if I go to "Audio Content Creation", from the page, instead of clicking to Get Started, works fine, to display the next page that is, don't become too optimistic too fast, noooo, don't.... and if I sign in from that page, since I don't see what usefull I can do other than that, well, same scenario as before, but I don't even have to click on [New] to get fail message, fail message, and fail message again. Oh, and yes, I have created a Speech Ressource on East US 2, ... well, seriously, I should use the plural instead of the singular, with all possible combinations that the tool let me try, with all the imaginable set of random keyboard bombardment for names and other ... names, accepted by the tool and created with success, it seems, but, definitively, unusable, it seems.

Now, if you ask me if I like Azure, my answer is: " No, do you have another question? ".

Now, just for my ... insanity check, you see possible remedy?

Thanks for your time, it was fine to ventillate a little.

Azure AI Speech
Azure AI Speech
An Azure service that integrates speech processing into apps and services.
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