@DevBuster007 You can leverage policies to achieve this and in fact, this sample covers this exact scenario. Here is the same policy for reference.
<!-- The policy defined in this file demonstrates how to mask an asynchronous API endpoint as if it is an synchronous one. -->
<!-- This is useful when modernizing APIs but some clients that call the API cannot be updated to the new behavior. -->
<!-- API used for this example is an Azure Logic Apps (request/resposne), in which retruns HTTP 202 status code, -->
<!-- and location header to retrieve the terminal payload. Retry count and interval is fixed in this example but can also be customized. -->
<base />
<forward-request />
<base />
<retry condition="@(((IResponse)context.Variables["var"]).StatusCode == 202)" count="10" interval="30">
<send-request mode="new" response-variable-name="var" ignore-error="false">
<return-response response-variable-name="var" />
<base />