Window server time 2016 out of sync on particular timing

kluangguy 96 Reputation points

Dear all,
We have a AD that serves as time source for the domain member. The AD is synching the time from our internal NTP server. We noticed all the server time (AD server, and domain member) is auto adjusted with 8 hours ahead (from event log, the source is from Kernel-General) daily around 4 pm. After 1 hour, the server time is auto adjusted back.

1) How can we derive which application/system component adjusted the timing? as per the event log, we cannot identify.
2) what cause the server timing auto adjusted on certain timing? how can we prevent it?

all servers are running Windows server 2016, OS Build 14393.2906


From Domain Member
w32tm /query /status
Leap Indicator: 0(no warning)
Stratum: 6 (secondary reference - syncd by (S)NTP)
Precision: -6 (15.625ms per tick)
Root Delay: 0.0786569s
Root Dispersion: 0.2389291s
ReferenceId: 0xC0A8640D (source IP:
Last Successful Sync Time: 3/2/2021 6:48:13 PM
Poll Interval: 9 (512s)

From AD
w32tm /query /status

Leap Indicator: 0(no warning)
Stratum: 5 (secondary reference - syncd by (S)NTP)
Precision: -6 (15.625ms per tick)
Root Delay: 0.0801682s
Root Dispersion: 0.1626273s
ReferenceId: 0x0A4681BE (source IP: 10.xx.xx.190)
Last Successful Sync Time: 2/3/2021 6:48:04 PM
Source: 10.xx.xx.190,0x8
Poll Interval: 10 (1024s)

Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2016
A Microsoft server operating system that supports enterprise-level management updated to data storage.
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  1. Anonymous

    Kernel-General event ID 1 occurs whenever Windows changes the system time. Windows changes the system time whenever it detects that the authoritative time differs from the system clock on that server so you may have an issue with your NTP source.

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  2. Daisy Zhou 21,361 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    Hello @kluangguy ,

    Thank you for posting here.

    To better understand our question, please confim the following information at your convenience:
    1.Is your PDC physical machine or virtual machine? Or is your PDC hosted on Vmware/Hyper-V?
    2.Is your AD environment single forest with single domain?
    3.How many DCs in your Domain? Are they physical machine or virtual machine?
    4.Did this problem happen suddenly? Or did we make any changes before the problem occurred?
    5.Based on "We noticed all the server time (AD server, and domain member)", do you mean time on all the machines including all DCs and all workstations(member servers and domain clients) is auto adjusted with 8 hours ahead?
    6.When the issue occurs, does the time on your internal NTP server normal?

    Meanwhile, please check if the time configurations on all the machines are correct.


    Name: Enabled
    Type: REG_DWORD

    Only if your PDC is virtual machine, you need to set the first entry.

    Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Config
    Key Name: AnnounceFlags
    Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value )
    Data: 0x5

    Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Parameters\Type
    Key Name: Type
    Type: REG_SZ(String Value)
    Data: NTP

    Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Parameters
    Key Name: NtpServer
    Type: REG_SZ(String Value)

    Key Name: Enabled
    Type: REG_DWORD
    Data: 1

    ===other DCs & domain clients & member servers===
    Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Parameters\Type
    Key Name: Type
    Type: REG_SZ(String Value)
    Data: NT5DS

    Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Config
    Key Name: AnnounceFlags
    Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value )
    Data: 0xa

    If time configurations are OK, we can configure audit policy for one/some/all the server that time (AD server, and domain member) is auto adjusted with 8 hours ahead.

    Create GPO and link it to the OU with machines above and edit GPO as below:

    Legacy audit policy:
    Computer Configuration\Windows settings\security settings\local policies\audit policy\audit system events – Success and Failure

    Or use advanced audit policies
    (Tip: by default, once any advanced audit policy setting is configured, audit policies will overwrite all Legacy audit policies,so if you have not configured any advanced audit policy setting so far, please configure Legacy audit policy ):
    Computer Configuration\Windows settings\security settings\Advanced Audit Policy Configuration\System\Audit Security State Change – Success and Failure

    We can run the following commands on the domain controller to force the refresh policy and check whether the related audit policy settings are enabled:

    gpupdate /force
    auditpol /get /category:*

    Then if the issue reoccurs, we can check the event ID 4616 via Security log\Event Viewer, check if there is any information we can get.

    4616(S): The system time was changed.

    Hope the information above is helpful.

    Should you have any question or concern, please feel free to let us know.

    Best Regards,
    Daisy Zhou

  3. Anonymous

    Sounds good, you're welcome.

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