Hello @Martin Power - It seems that at the Azure Functions/Webjobs SDK side of things, we are just passing the provided value as-is for the isEnabledInDeveloperMode
setting as part of the SnapshotConfiguration
object: https://github.com/Azure/azure-webjobs-sdk/blob/7b97fd9e3b5b00ef5808eeda4439768cb947f530/src/Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Logging.ApplicationInsights/ApplicationInsightsLoggerOptions.cs#L132
So I would rule out Azure Functions from this for now and focus on AppInsights. And after digging a bit deeper, it seems that the isEnabledInDeveloperMode
setting is contingent upon DeveloperMode
setting in AppInsights: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/app/configuration-with-applicationinsights-config#developer-mode
Can you check if that setting is being set correctly in your local environments?
There doesn't appear to be any suggestion that any of the settings above is a way to completely disable the Snapshotdebugger.exe process or a running Snapshotdebugger.exe process is an indication that the isEnabledInDeveloperMode
is not be working. This is definitely something I can get clarity on from the AppInsights team internally and share with you here but could you confirm that the DeveloperMode
setting is being set properly in your local environment?