Hi Team,
I have downloaded Azure site recovery OVA from portal and built a server in in my production environment. At the time of configuration of server when registering the server we are getting below error.
"Message: Configuring DRA service failed Possible causes: 1. Vault registration key file could be invalid 2. User doesn’t have sufficient privileges to read or write in registry. 3. Invalid proxy settings 4. Failure to generate certificate Recommendation: 1. Download and use the latest registration key file from portal. 2. Ensure that the user has sufficient administrator privileges to read or write to the registry “HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Azure Site Recovery” 3. Provide valid proxy settings. 4. Ensure that the Windows user has privileges to add a certificate on the server 5. Refer to C:\ProgramData\ASRSetupLogs "
We have tried to solve the issue and check below steps
Time zone which is correct
NIC setting is static
Using administrator account on ASR Local systems
There is no proxy
User right, have global admin access.
We are clueless, now ticket is open to MS but not getting proper response from their side.
Looking your expert advised, please suggest me what I need to check other then this.
Yogender Kumar