Posting to the endpoint gives HTTP error 500

Anders Stenman 1 Reputation point

I can read data from the endpoint, but when I try to post data (in order to create an access review) I always get HTTP error 500 (Internal Server Error).

Is this operation working?

Example of payload:

    "displayName": "ORG_SuperDuper X",
    "startDateTime": "2021-03-04T15:46:25+01:00",
    "endDateTime": "9999-12-31T23:59:59+00:00",
    "reviewedEntity": {
        "id": "30552695-062d-4eed-aebb-a21df20414ad"
    "reviewerType": "delegated",
    "businessFlowTemplateId": "6e4f3d20-c5c3-407f-9695-8460952bcc68",
    "description": "Access Review of ORG_SuperDuper X",
    "reviewers": [
            "id": "137be449-6504-46d5-8556-85c31938eef6"
    "settings": {
        "remindersEnabled": true,
        "mailNotificationsEnabled": true,
        "justificationRequiredOnApproval": false,
        "recurrenceSettings": {
            "recurrenceType": "halfyearly",
            "recurrenceEndType": "never",
            "recurrenceCount": 0
        "autoApplyReviewResultsEnabled": false
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