Hi, you'll have to select the language from the list to alternate between languages. Another option may be to import SSML file with selected languages and voices, or enable SSML
from the tuning tab in the portal and update file accordingly. Hope this helps!
Audio Content Creation: Easier Way to Repeatedly Alternate Between Languages?
I am using audio content creation to create language learning resources. What I am I trying to do is the following: a list of English sentences, each sentence immediately followed by its translation in Spanish. As in,
Example Sentence 1 in English
Translation of Sentence 1 into Spanish
Example Sentence 2 in English
Translation of Sentence 2 into Spanish
And so forth. But everytime I switch languages, I have to go all the way through the list of languages again.
That is, I can't easily switch back and forth between languages. Even when I've tried to pin my favorite voices, I have to go back to the dropdown menu.
Is there an easier way to specify the voice you want at the beginning of each line, without having to go through the drop down menu every time?
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