Let me know if the following tables satisfy your requirements:
- Table SelectionCategoryChoice (SelectionCategoryId [PK], Description)
- Table SecondChoices (SelectSecondChoiceId [PK], Description)
- Table Questionares (SelectionCategoryId [PK][FK, SelectSecondChoiceId [PK][FK], QuestionId [PK][FK])
- Table Questions (QuestionId [PK], question, CorrectPossibleAnswerId[FK])
- Table QuestionsPosiibleAnswers(QuestionId [PK][FK], PossibleAnswerId [PK][FK])
- PossibleAnswers(PossibleAnswerId [PK], AnswerDisplayed)
I added answers to questions also, despite you did no ask for them. Maybe you find it useful.
PK = Primary Key
FK = Foreign Key