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when i use the OneToOne extension tag it is inserting it as null am I missing something
The One-To-One extension is a one-way relationship. An example could be vehicle and registration certificate – each vehicle has one and only one registration certificate, and one registration certificate is associated with one and only one vehicle. It's not suitable for your needs.
Try using One-to-many extension instead. One-to-many relationships are used in general for parent-children or whole-elements relations.
public class RAMs
[PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]
public Int32 Id { get; set; }
public String ProjectName { get; set; }
public List<Hazard> Hazards { get; set; }
You could google with the keyword as SSQLite-Net Extensions – one-to-one relationships and SQLite-Net Extensions – one-to-many relationships to check the related documentation.
Best Regards,
Jarvan Zhang
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