Sorry about that comment and delayed response @nikhijain-3003,
For your first question, there is no "cold start" for Azure SQL DBs. Once the resources are deployed, it's considered up and running and ready to accept incoming transactions. That is across all SKUs. What you're paying for is storage and throughput, not uptime, however you may be able to save some moeny looking at the serverless comput tier.
With regards to your second question, the easiest way to quickly remove resources in one fail swoop is the delete the resource group it's in. Going that route means you'll have to be more methodically about how you organize your resources. For example you can have myapps-rg and prototypedb-rg, where prototypedb-rg would be the group you would deploy those marketplace templates to. However, you want to keep all of your resources like myproject-rg which would contain apps, networks, database, etc, then you would have to select the resources inside the group and hit delete. Another option is making use Azure CLI or PowerShell where you can write scripts to handle deleting of specific resources.