BluetoothLeDevice GattCharacteristic Configure descriptor Indicate

I have a working bluetooth LE UWP application and I have come across what I believe is a Windows 10 issue with the setting of a characteristic notification. I have reproduced the exception on alternative store BLE scanner apps.
Using the characteristic of Service Changed (0x2A05) (permissions set to Indicate only) from Generic Attribute Service (0x1801) I am trying to set up notifications on this characteristic in order to listen to a nordic device.
The code of WriteClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptorAsync(GattClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptorValue.Indicate) always throws exception of Access Denied 8007005.
I can successfully turn on this indication via Android but not via UWP Windows SDK 1803. In UWP, I can successfully use the above function to set up notifications using GattClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptorValue.Notify. These always succeed.
Is there any known issues related to the enabling of characteristic notifications which are Indicate only or anything relating to the public Service Changed characteristic?