WHY ARE MICROSFT KILLING VISUAL BASIC AND THIER USERS? in favour on third party programming languges

Leroy 46 Reputation points

My question is Why is Visual basic (the original programming language) being leverage out of Microsoft? Today there are many programming languages in the world currently in use as well as the mass migration to the python platform ... which would not have been possible if Visual Basic had become Open source much longer ago! as well as Microsoft Dumping visual basic to Enforce the use of C# ..... Again Microsoft MISSES EVERYTHING!...... The visual basic Readable language vs the C# Cryptic language or Conformist language. We have recently heard and seen publications of the drop of visual basic and now it is heavily seen on the new Microsoft sites as the help / MSDN / TUTORIALS and functionality of visual basic is being made to pay! Basic originally Ran like python and could be executed on the fly and today Microsoft have still refused to create a repl for visual basic which would have been massively comparable and easier to use for Microsoft users instead of PYTHON which noticeably Microsoft have been utilizing now ???? WHY! anything that can be done in python can be done in visual basic and any type of co0mponent which can be shared as a library can now be shared over nuget ... So Again Why the drop of the support for Visual basic? As we cannot connect to UNITY EITHER? but any .DOT.NET product should connect to EVERY OTHER .DOTNET PRODUCT? .... Today visual basic is the tramp of a programming languages which it was a flagship and standard for every spinoff today!

Microsoft Technologies based on the .NET software framework.
3,592 questions
An object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft that is implemented on the .NET Framework. Previously known as Visual Basic .NET.
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  1. Karen Payne MVP 35,371 Reputation points

    Hello @Leroy

    At a recent event known as Ignite Kathleen Dollard (Principal Program Manager, .NET) indicated that Microsoft is not dropping VB.NET from the ecosystem. What they are doing is not advancing the language to keep up with C# new features (like in C#9 and onwards) and Blazer.

    Although an older post it's worth checking out Microsoft: 'We Do Not Plan to Evolve Visual Basic as a Language'.

    And than there is the community of developers which Microsoft listens too like Stackoverflow yearly survey which VB.NET in most cases does not even show up or if it does not very much.

    With this said, I'd expect that unless one is building cross platform with Xamarin VB should be a viable language for a long time but than again depending on what is needed VB may fail short and the need to move away from VB might be an option.

    If we look back at history to VB Classic, there are still many coders using VB Classic because they can get solutions done while others have moved to VB.NET and another group has moved to C#.

    Being a developer means that sometimes change is inevitable and in this case it's dependent on can the selected language get the job done. No matter what developers say about keeping VB.NET in pace with C# is never going to happen, Microsoft cares about developers but we also must understand the bottom line is making a profit.

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  2. Leroy 46 Reputation points

    Our Visual basic Community is being destroyed and we are being pushed away from Microsoft!

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  3. Jeff Russell 5 Reputation points

    In my opinion, Visual Basic dot net is a much better language than C#. Here's why:

    First, they are both capable of the same functions (except for 2 very narrow instances).

    Second, the fact that Visual Basic is highly human-readable to anyone on the planet who speaks English is a huge plus! This facilitates collaboration. (A HUGE plus!)

    Third, C# has arcane (difficult to read) nomenclature (syntax) and enforces silly rules (like case sensitivity).

    Fourth, any computer scientist will tell you that one of the major goals of coding is SIMPLICITY (without sacrificing function). - VB supports simplicity while not sacrificing any function. (It can do anything that C# can.)

    Fifth, VB integrates with the Microsoft Office Suite (or whatever they are calling it these days) through VBA and shell scripting.

    In my opinion, Microsoft is taking a very wrong turn by deliberately encouraging esoterica instead of simplicity.

    1 person found this answer helpful.

  4. Sam of Simple Samples 5,526 Reputation points

    Visual Basic was not the original programming language. The first compiler was for the FLOW-MATIC - Wikipedia language. And C# is not third-party; it was designed by Microsoft.

    Visual Basic is derived from the BASIC language. VB.Net improves on that immensely. Like PHP, there has always been strong opinions on the advantages and disadvantages of the BASIC language. In 1975 Dijkstra said (see the PDF How do we tell truths that might hurt):

    It is practically impossible to teach good programming to students that have had a prior exposure to BASIC: as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration.

    However he was highly opinionated and degraded most languages in existence then but the BASIC language has always been controversial.

    Edsger W. Dijkstra is relevant for his vast accomplishments in programming. As I said, he was highly critical of most computer languages of his time. He was however active in the design and development of the ALGOL language, a language designed by computer language specialists. Many languages are derived from ALGOL, including C, C++, Java and C#. As you indicated, Microsoft chose to maintain the design of VB.Net as proprietary. C# however is an international standard and a member of a highly respected family of computer languages.