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c# swap operator
josh BAUER
Reputation points
class ww
static public bool operator <==>(ww firstParam,ww secondParam ){
return false;
I do like above swaping operator. In c++ it would work fine because swaping operators
were introduced in c++ version15.
By swaping I mean to exchange two values.
How to do <=> operator in c#?
If it is not yet possible, would Microsoft make it possible same like they did it for c++?
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Viorel 118.9K Reputation points
2021-03-11T13:15:54.047+00:00 Could you show a reference (documentation) for swapping operators in C++?
There is also a new “<=>” operator in C++, but it does not perform swapping. The equivalent in C# is the IComparable interface, I think.