hello! I am looking for help with a powershell or vbs script that's simple and can add printers filtered by group.
what we've done is created an AD group for each printer and corresponding default printer. for example: AD group called DefaultPrinter - HRPrinter, and Printer - HRPrinter
then we simply add remove those groups to the user in AD to get them the right set of printers and default.
we have a lot of printers and complex settings, doing it through GPO will likely bog down and login times and so on. Hoping to overcome that hurdle by using a script of some kind instead we can add to user accounts as a login script
Also does anyone have an opinion on powershell vs vbs in terms of speed? there are like 50+ printers
what we are looking for is a simple script that can be tied to those AD groups and perform various actions:
for example, members of AD group Printer - HRPrinter get \printserver\hrprinter and members of DefaultPrinter - HRPrinter get the \printserver\hrprinter as their default
we would repeat for say marketing, legal, sales and so on. if sales wanted the HR printer, we would simply add the user to the Printer -HRPrinter group and this script would take care of the rest.
Anyone have ideas on a simple script to do this?