Sql Server Reporting Server connect report server db with encrypted connection

Bilgehan Yıldız 1 Reputation point

I use sql server reporting server to host my msreporting.I want to encrypt my sql server connection (not connection string I mean ,its is already encrypted) encrypted on network traffic traffic

Normally I can add encrypt=true value to mysqlserver connection string and that time it works in my c# code.How can do same feature in sql server reporting server(SSRS 2019)

c# sample Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data source=HOSTNAME;Initial catalog=databaseName;User Id=userName;Password=password;encrypt=true

SQL Server Reporting Services
SQL Server Reporting Services
A SQL Server technology that supports the creation, management, and delivery of both traditional, paper-oriented reports and interactive, web-based reports.
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  1. ZoeHui-MSFT 34,351 Reputation points

    Hi @Bilgehan Yıldız ,

    It seems that we couldn't connect report server db with encrypted connection.

    We could use Reporting Services Configuration Manager and rsreportserver.exe to connect to the report server database.

    Neither of them gives us the option to add the encryption connection.



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