Unable to connnect USB in UWP C++WinRT but it is able in UWP C# [FromIdAsync]

DaloDalo 1 Reputation point

Hi, There,

I'm try to open the usb device. I refenced CustomDusbDevicessAccess in windows-universal-samples.
When I using C#, It is Ok to open the USB. But When I using C++WinRT, It did'nt open.

In C++WinRT UWP,
device = co_await Windows::Devices::Usb::UsbDevice::FromIdAsync(L"\\?\USB#VID_1CBE&PID_0003#12345678#{dee824ef-729b-4a0e-9c14-b7117d33a817}");
is fail.

But in C# UWP,
device = await UsbDevice.FromIdAsync("\\?\USB#VID_1CBE&PID_0003#12345678#{dee824ef-729b-4a0e-9c14-b7117d33a817}");
is success.

plz. help..

Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
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