Hi @Michael MacGregor ,
I found one good article and you could refer below.
o INT,
i INT,
uc INT,
Scan_Ops INT,
Seek_Ops INT,
Update_Ops INT
SELECT @sql += N'
UNION ALL SELECT o,i,h,uc,Scan_Ops,Seek_Ops,Update_Ops
SELECT o = ' + RTRIM([object_id]) + ',
i = ' + RTRIM(index_id) +',
h = pl.plan_handle,
uc = pl.usecounts,
Scan_Ops = p.query_plan.value(''count(//RelOp[@LogicalOp = ''''Index Scan'''''
+ ' or @LogicalOp = ''''Clustered Index Scan'''']/*/'
+ 'Object[@Index=''''' + QUOTENAME(name) + '''''])'', ''int''),
Seek_Ops = p.query_plan.value(''count(//RelOp[@LogicalOp = ''''Index Seek'''''
+ ' or @LogicalOp = ''''Clustered Index Seek'''']/*/'
+ 'Object[@Index=''''' + QUOTENAME(name) + '''''])'', ''int''),
Update_Ops = p.query_plan.value(''count(//Update/Object[@Index='''''
+ QUOTENAME(name) + '''''])'', ''int'')
FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans AS pl
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(pl.plan_handle) AS p
WHERE p.dbid = DB_ID()
AND p.query_plan IS NOT NULL
) AS x
WHERE Scan_Ops + Seek_Ops + Update_Ops > 0'
FROM sys.indexes AS i
WHERE i.index_id > 0
AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM #candidates WHERE [object_id] = i.[object_id]);
SET @sql = ';WITH xmlnamespaces (DEFAULT '
+ 'N''http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/showplan'')
' + STUFF(@sql, 1, 16, '');
INSERT #planops EXEC sp_executesql @sql;
Or refer the following two queries which, on a larger system, will perform much better than the XML / UNION query.
-- alternative #1
with xmlnamespaces (default 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/showplan')
insert #planops
select o,i,h,uc,Scan_Ops,Seek_Ops,Update_Ops
select o = i.object_id,
i = i.index_id,
h = pl.plan_handle,
uc = pl.usecounts,
Scan_Ops = p.query_plan.value('count(//RelOp[@LogicalOp
= ("Index Scan", "Clustered Index Scan")]/*/Object[@Index = sql:column("i2.name")])', 'int'),
Seek_Ops = p.query_plan.value('count(//RelOp[@LogicalOp
= ("Index Seek", "Clustered Index Seek")]/*/Object[@Index = sql:column("i2.name")])', 'int'),
Update_Ops = p.query_plan.value('count(//Update/Object[@Index = sql:column("i2.name")])', 'int')
from sys.indexes as i
cross apply (select quotename(i.name) as name) as i2
cross apply sys.dm_exec_cached_plans as pl
cross apply sys.dm_exec_query_plan(pl.plan_handle) AS p
where exists (select 1 from #candidates as c where c.[object_id] = i.[object_id])
and p.query_plan.exist('//Object[@Index = sql:column("i2.name")]') = 1
and p.[dbid] = db_id()
and i.index_id > 0
) as T
where Scan_Ops + Seek_Ops + Update_Ops > 0;
-- alternative #2
with xmlnamespaces (default 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/showplan')
insert #planops
select o = coalesce(T1.o, T2.o),
i = coalesce(T1.i, T2.i),
h = coalesce(T1.h, T2.h),
uc = coalesce(T1.uc, T2.uc),
Scan_Ops = isnull(T1.Scan_Ops, 0),
Seek_Ops = isnull(T1.Seek_Ops, 0),
Update_Ops = isnull(T2.Update_Ops, 0)
select o = i.object_id,
i = i.index_id,
h = t.plan_handle,
uc = t.usecounts,
Scan_Ops = sum(case when t.LogicalOp in ('Index Scan', 'Clustered Index Scan') then 1 else 0 end),
Seek_Ops = sum(case when t.LogicalOp in ('Index Seek', 'Clustered Index Seek') then 1 else 0 end)
from (
r.n.value('@LogicalOp', 'varchar(100)') as LogicalOp,
o.n.value('@Index', 'sysname') as IndexName,
from sys.dm_exec_cached_plans as pl
cross apply sys.dm_exec_query_plan(pl.plan_handle) AS p
cross apply p.query_plan.nodes('//RelOp') as r(n)
cross apply r.n.nodes('*/Object') as o(n)
where p.dbid = db_id()
and p.query_plan is not null
) as t
inner join sys.indexes as i
on t.IndexName = quotename(i.name)
where t.LogicalOp in ('Index Scan', 'Clustered Index Scan', 'Index Seek', 'Clustered Index Seek')
and exists (select 1 from #candidates as c where c.object_id = i.object_id)
group by i.object_id,
) as T1
full outer join
select o = i.object_id,
i = i.index_id,
h = t.plan_handle,
uc = t.usecounts,
Update_Ops = count(*)
from (
o.n.value('@Index', 'sysname') as IndexName,
from sys.dm_exec_cached_plans as pl
cross apply sys.dm_exec_query_plan(pl.plan_handle) AS p
cross apply p.query_plan.nodes('//Update') as r(n)
cross apply r.n.nodes('Object') as o(n)
where p.dbid = db_id()
and p.query_plan is not null
) as t
inner join sys.indexes as i
on t.IndexName = quotename(i.name)
where exists
select 1 from #candidates as c where c.[object_id] = i.[object_id]
and i.index_id > 0
group by i.object_id,
) as T2
on T1.o = T2.o and
T1.i = T2.i and
T1.h = T2.h and
T1.uc = T2.uc;
Best regards
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