Hi, thanks for reaching out. You are billed for every TTS call to the service, so, as long as you play it or export to an audio file, you will be metered for billing. Hope this helps!
Are characters consumed when retouching in Audio Content Creation?

Greetings, I have been using text to audio conversion tools for personal use for a while, since I have visual problems and I cannot read much so I decided to convert my literary novels to sound, I subscribed to an online tool to do this called naturalreaders which is quite expensive, so I decided to look for alternatives and came to Microsoft's Audio Content Creation tool, I am thinking of subscribing to the standard plan but first I want to know.
Are characters charged when editing and refining text or only when exporting to audio?
I wonder why in www.naturalreaders.com if they charge the character when editing, which makes me run out of characters very quickly because I edit and refine a lot, it was the reason why I left the naturalreaders service.
since I usually adapt the text a lot so that the voice comes out more fluid and the characters are charged in the edition and refining it would be a problem for me since many characters would be consumed.