I think there is a better answer, at least that worked for me. Since we have a Network Security Group associated with the Subnet that the Self-Hosted IR VM lives in, I used the Service Tags DataFactory and DataFactoryManagement (there isn't anything for Synapse), and I was able to connect with the registration service that way, and the IR is showing as Running in Synapse Studio.
Data Factory name for Azure Synapse Analytics
We have an Azure Synapse workspace, and because some/most of our sources are behind an Azure virtual network, we are creating a self-hosted integration runtime. In the documentation (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-factory/create-self-hosted-integration-runtime), in the section on firewalls, one of the domains to enable is {datafactory}.{region}.datafactory.azure.net. The description for that entry says to look in the key for the self-hosted integration runtime. At least in Synapse, that key isn't a FQDN. I've tried poking around in the properties of various things related to pipeline or the Synapse workspace, and I can't find any references to datafactory.azure.net, or data factory at all.
- Is the data factory name the Synapse workspace name? That is the closest thing to a data factory name in the key?
- Or do I use a different domain entirely, maybe something based on azuresynapse.net?
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60452869 1 Reputation point
2022-07-11T15:54:08.83+00:00 Hi,
I am trying to execute Azure Synapse pipeline using REST API by following the documentation available in Microsoft site. When I try to test it, it is asking for Data Factory name.
What is name I should use from Azure Synapse for 'factoryName'?