wpf, mainwindow is not loaded

L L 1 Reputation point

I have create an app (WPF, c#), and it is deployed using clickonce. I can install , and running it in every computer, The App.Xaml.cs launches a login and if it is correct MainWindow is started. But in uan computer i get the following error: Error: 'La invocación del constructor del tipo 'UPOS10.MainWindow' que coincide con las restricciones de enlace especificadas produjo una excepción.' (número de línea: '14'; posición de línea: '9'). El valor no puede ser nulo. Nombre del parámetro: source en System.Windows.Markup.WpfXamlLoader.Load(XamlReader xamlReader, IXamlObjectWriterFactory writerFactory, Boolean skipJournaledProperties, Object rootObject, XamlObjectWriterSettings settings, Uri baseUri) en System.Windows.Markup.WpfXamlLoader.LoadBaml(XamlReader xamlReader, Boolean skipJournaledProperties, Object rootObject, XamlAccessLevel accessLevel, Uri baseUri) en System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader.LoadBaml(Stream stream, ParserContext parserContext, Object parent, Boolean closeStream) en System.Windows.Application.LoadBamlStreamWithSyncInfo(Stream stream, ParserContext pc) en System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(Uri resourceLocator, Boolean bSkipJournaledProperties) en System.Windows.Application.DoStartup() en System.Windows.Application.<.ctor>b__1_0(Object unused) en System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs) en System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler) This error has been detected in a cOptiplex 755 computer running windows 10 pro 64 Bits. the app is Platform target ANY CPU Any one can help me???

Windows Presentation Foundation
Windows Presentation Foundation
A part of the .NET Framework that provides a unified programming model for building line-of-business desktop applications on Windows.
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