Possible to Ensure Default label applies markings when file is opened/created

Darren Cederman 1 Reputation point

Is it possible to ensure the label marking behaviors is consistent between built-in labeling, Unified labeling client (ULC) and Default labels policy and Office web versions.

Currently each version acts differently when default labels are applied.

-Applying a label to a document (no default label policy) with ULC applies the Content Marking instantly before a file is saved
-Default labels in new files do not apply content marking with ULC until the file is saved
-Default labels in new files do not apply content marking with ULC until the file is saved, if another label is chosen, the marking applies instantly without saving
-Default labels in new files do apply content marking with built-in sensitivity until the file is saved
-opening an unlabeled file stored locally when default label policy is applied, applies a label, the marking is applied upon save with ULC
-opening an unlabeled file stored in SPO/OD when default label policy is applied, applies a label, the marking is not applied until the Auto-save advanced configuration is applied with ULC - Considering SPO/OD use auto-save by default.

This is consistent across ULC 2.7.99 and 2.9.116 with Office 20-08

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