Cosmos stored procedure continuation not working

Kedi Peng 21 Reputation points

Hi, I've been following this post to hand the bulkUpload over 10,000 docs to cosmos DB, I followed the steps and exec bulk upload stored procedure from .net core sdk.

However, I always get the 408 timeout error when the first execution ends. Ideally, it should return the count it has processed and so I can call the procedure in code again.

Which part is wrong? Thanks in advance.

store procedure:

function bulkUpload(docs) {
  var container = getContext().getCollection();
  var containerLink = container.getSelfLink();
  var count = 0;
  if (!docs) throw new Error("The array is undefined or null.");
  var docsLength = docs.length;
  if (docsLength == 0) {
  tryCreate(docs[count], callback);
  function tryCreate(doc, callback) {
    var isAccepted = container.createDocument(containerLink, doc, callback);
    if (!isAccepted)
  function callback(err, doc, options) {
    if (err) throw err;
    if (count >= docsLength) {
    } else {
      tryCreate(docs[count], callback);

.net code:

public static async Task Main(string[] args)
     using (CosmosClient client = new CosmosClient(_endpointUri, _primaryKey))
         Database database = client.GetDatabase(_databaseId);
         Container container = database.GetContainer(_containerId);

         List<Food> foods = new Bogus.Faker<Food>()
         .RuleFor(p => p.Id, f => (-1 - f.IndexGlobal).ToString())
         .RuleFor(p => p.Description, f => f.Commerce.ProductName())
         .RuleFor(p => p.ManufacturerName, f => f.Company.CompanyName())
         .RuleFor(p => p.FoodGroup, f => "Energy Bars")

         int pointer = 0;
         while (pointer < foods.Count)
             StoredProcedureExecuteResponse<int> result = await container.Scripts.ExecuteStoredProcedureAsync<int>("bulkUpload", new PartitionKey("Energy Bars"), new dynamic[] {foods.Skip(pointer)});
             pointer += result.Resource;
             await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync($"{pointer} Total Items\t{result.Resource} Items Uploaded in this Iteration");

Azure Cosmos DB
Azure Cosmos DB
An Azure NoSQL database service for app development.
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Accepted answer
  1. Anurag Sharma 17,571 Reputation points

    Hi @Kedi Peng , welcome to Microsoft QnA forum.

    As the error message says this is the issue with request timeout. We are trying to upload 10,000 documents and default timeout value for a request is 10 seconds. In this case, loading 10,000 documents could take longer than 10 seconds depending upon various factor like proximity of Azure Cosmos location from the code we are running, network latency etc.

    If we increase the timeout to a considerable value, it will work. I tried with one minute of it and it did work fine. Please check the code below:

    public static async Task Main(string[] args)  
            CosmosClientOptions ops = new CosmosClientOptions();  
            ops.RequestTimeout = new TimeSpan(0,1,0);  
            using (CosmosClient client = new CosmosClient(_endpointUri, _primaryKey, ops))  
                Database database = client.GetDatabase(_databaseId);  
                Container container = database.GetContainer(_containerId);  
                List<Food> foods = new Bogus.Faker<Food>()  
                .RuleFor(p => p.Id, f => (-1 - f.IndexGlobal).ToString())  
                .RuleFor(p => p.Description, f => f.Commerce.ProductName())  
                .RuleFor(p => p.ManufacturerName, f => f.Company.CompanyName())  
                .RuleFor(p => p.FoodGroup, f => "Energy Bars")  
                int pointer = 0;  
                while (pointer < foods.Count)  
                    StoredProcedureExecuteResponse<int> result = await container.Scripts.ExecuteStoredProcedureAsync<int>("bulkUpload", new PartitionKey("Energy Bars"), new dynamic[] { foods.Skip(pointer) });  
                    pointer += result.Resource;  
                    await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync($"{pointer} Total Items\t{result.Resource} Items Uploaded in this Iteration");  

    Please let me know if it works if you face any issues still.


    If answer helps, please mark it 'Accept Answer'

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