Maximum Value

Einar Osei Sies 41 Reputation points

Please I need help in finding the maximum value in a range. Capture.JPG
In column J are a combination of strings and formulas. I attached an info column K to aid in understanding my problem and formula in column J.
How can I input a formula to get the largest or maximum value in column J?

Excel Management
Excel Management
Excel: A family of Microsoft spreadsheet software with tools for analyzing, charting, and communicating data.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
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  1. Lz._ 8,986 Reputation points

    Hi @Einar Osei Sies

    (my decimal delimiter is the comma)


    Option 1 (complex & inefficient), in A7:

    NB: you might have to validate it with Ctrl+Shift+Enter

    Option 2 (more efficient):

    • In your column J, only keep the SUM part of your current formula, i.e. in J4: =SUM(F4-G4)
    • Select cells in column J > Format cells > Number > Custom: "ABC"###.00,"ABC"-###.00,"ABC"0.00
      Then use a regular MAX formula, i.e.: =MAX(J4:J104)
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