Variable is not assigned in the method

Dave Gray 581 Reputation points


I have a piece of code that runs fine in Powershell (Azure automation runbook) but when I transplant this into a class method/function I get an error about "Variable is not assigned in the method."

The code returns a DataSet from SQL server


 $DS = ($Helper.GetHTML(($Helper.ExcuteSQLProcs("EXEC [dbo].[usp_FirewallRuleCountChanged_Get] @DayAgo = 2")).Tables[0]))  

works fine in inline code but in a method I get an error

[void] SendAlert([string] $To, [string] $Subject, [int] $DaysAgo )  
	$DS = ($Helper.GetHTML(($Helper.ExcuteSQLProcs("EXEC [dbo].[usp_FirewallRuleCountChanged_Get] @DayAgo = 2")).Tables[0]))  

Variable is not assigned in the method.

Any ideas anyone?


Azure Automation
Azure Automation
An Azure service that is used to automate, configure, and install updates across hybrid environments.
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  1. Elmar 26 Reputation points

    You should put your parameters in a param block, like:

     [void] SendAlert
         param ([string] $To, [string] $Subject, [int] $DaysAgo)
         $DS = ($Helper.GetHTML(($Helper.ExcuteSQLProcs("EXEC [dbo].[usp_FirewallRuleCountChanged_Get] @DayAgo = 2")).Tables[0]))