@Anonymous Welcome to Microsoft Q&A Forum, Thank you for posting your query here!
- If you plan to use Data Box for your bulk migration: Review the deployment prerequisites for Data Box.
- Plan your final Azure File Sync topology: Plan for an Azure File Sync deployment
- Select Azure storage account(s) that will hold the file shares you want to sync with. Ensure that your bulk migration happens to temporary staging shares in the same Storage Account(s). Bulk migration can only be enabled utilizing a final- and a staging- share that reside in the same storage account.
- A bulk migration can only be utilized when you create a new sync relationship with a server location. You can't enable a bulk migration with an existing sync relationship.
Here's how to set up Azure File Sync in a way that's compatible with bulk migration tools such as Azure Data Box:
Copy data to Azure Data Box via SMB
You can setup after the Data box is been delivered, You have a host computer that has the data that you want to copy over to Data Box.
If using an SMB client, you can use an SMB copy tool such as Robocopy, Diskboss, or even Windows File Explorer drag-and-drop to copy data onto the device.
Hope this helps!
Kindly let us know if the above helps or you need further assistance on this issue.
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