Alternative solution for SharePoint Version, approval status to be used in Word Documents

A H 41 Reputation points

In SharePoint historically the Library level Information Management Policy have been used to link Version, Approval Status and other column metadata into Office Word application has used the Labels feature to add these.

And in this article the depreciation of the feature is confirmed along with the communication not to use this in SharePoint 2013 and 2016.

Are there alternatives that do not use Automate or workflow, available as an alternative to allow a Word Document to use these SharePoint fields? In my research and testing I have followed a few techniques to replicate a separate version column and sync this to the SP Version viw Automate - However, the workflow and writing to a column causes the SP version to be incremented. This approach is not therefore stable or controlled.

Is there therefore, a supported simple alternative?


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  1. Echo Du_MSFT 17,121 Reputation points

    Hello @A H ,

    Welcome to Q&A Forum!

    As the documentation you provided says, the Label policy feature has been deprecated and should not be used in SharePoint Server 2013 or SharePoint Server 2016.

    However, you can still use the Label policy feature in SharePoint Server 2013/2016.


    Echo Du


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  1. A H 41 Reputation points

    Hi Echo Du,
    Thanks for your reply on the labelling feature. As you say the feature remains usable, but is depreciated. I was looking for a replacement solution as the feature is tagged for deprecation and I am trying to avoid using it to provide a future proofed.
    Also, the current label feature is limited to one composite filed and my customer is looking for separate linkage of the version, SharePoint approval status and if possible the approver person.
    Do you know how long the current label feature is to be maintained in the SharePoint roadmap?