Olamide Fam 101 Reputation points

Hello, I built my own computer a long time ago and haver been and am cooling it with water in a custom loop for years. I have also recently updated all of the components (listed further below); however, since early March, I have constantly been getting BSOD errors and they have gotten so frequent that I can barely load a game before it happens now. The BSOD is WHEA_Uncorrectable_Error but it does not produce a dump file. After restarting, I look in my Event Viewer and its an Event ID 1 Whea-Logger. I also get an Event ID 161 volmgr error that says the "dump file creation failed due error during dump creation." Without a dump file, it is exceedingly difficult for me to figure out the problem on my own so I am appealing to the Microsoft community to help me. I did have XMP enabled to run my RAM at 3200MHz and I used ASUS AI-optimized CPU overclocking, but I have since turned all of that off to no avail.

Since March, here are additional things I have done to try to fix the problem:

  1. I replaced my storage drives (I RMA'd my WD SN750 for another one, returned a 980 Samsung PRO for a 970 EVO Plus just to get brand new NVME drives)
  2. I reset Windows about 4 times (one of those times was because I deleted my MS account password)
  3. I took out each RAM Stick and ran my computer on it to test its functioning. I have also ran Mem86 and Mem64 tests without error
  4. I deactivated 6 cores of my CPU, 10900KF, which stopped the BSODs for about a day
  5. I replaced my CPU (10900KF with a 10850K) and the problem stopped for about 4 days before returning with a vengeance, I also ensured to put more thermal paste when I replaced the CPU to prevent any hot spots on my chip
  6. I uninstalled all my previous Nvidia drivers using Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) which solved the problem for an evening

All of these things either do nothing to stop the BSODs or at best, prevent them from happening for a few days. If there is anyone out there that can help me, I would really appreciate it. I first built this computer in 2014 and have replaced parts in it ever since, and I have never had a constant BSOD problem before.

Here are my specs:
CPU: 10900KF (bought in Feb 2021) later replaced with 10850K (bought in May 2021)
MOBO: ASUS Z490 ROG Maximus XII Formula (bought Jan 2021), latest BIOS 2103 (dated 4/28/2021)
GPU: RTX 3090 EVGA FTW3 Ultra (RMA x2, latest one delivered 2/11/2021)
RAM: Corsair Dominator Platinum DDR4 8GB x4 3200Mhz (bought Nov 2020)
PSU: Corsair HX1200W (bought July 2020)
OS Storage: 2TB Samsung 970 Evo Plus (bought 4/26/21)
Gaming Storage: 2TB WD SN750 (RMA'd and received new one in April 2021)
System cooled with EKWB Quantum TBE powered loop

Windows 10 Network
Windows 10 Network
Windows 10: A Microsoft operating system that runs on personal computers and tablets.Network: A group of devices that communicate either wirelessly or via a physical connection.
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Accepted answer
  1. Olamide Fam 101 Reputation points

    So I believe I have resolved the problem yesterday. I will give it a few days before I am certain, but it certainly is behaving like normal.

    So, I have CableMod PCIE ModFlex PCI-e extensions to power my CPU, Mobo, and GPU. I removed all three of them yesterday and I was able to game beyond a point I have never been able to pass without getting a BSOD. After being able to do that, I decided to go back and overclock my CPU and put my XMP profile back on, then I overclocked my GPU and gamed again without any problems. I haven't been able to do that since March, so I think this might actually be the solution. So, for you Jose, I don't know if you use any PSU extension cables or anything, but if you don't, then I would recommend that you check all your connections.


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4 additional answers

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  1. 2021-05-06T10:12:51.097+00:00


    I want to ask whether you can create the dump manually in the system properties > start up and recovery. Or you can try this: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/client-management/generate-kernel-or-complete-crash-dump. You also can try the following methods:

    1. You can use winver to check your OS version whether it is the latest one.
    2. You can try to redownload the driver from the manufacturer’s official website, like masterboard and graphic card.
    3. You can try to use clean boot to see if it works.
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  2. Olamide Fam 101 Reputation points

    Thanks for the suggestions. I was able to create a dump file using NotMyFault, but it was for a DRIVER_Not_Equal BSOD, which I haven't experienced, so I don't know what value that has in resolving my issue. I cannot attach it because it says I don't have administrator rights to open it, but using BlueScreenViewer, the two files associated with the error are: myfault.sys (of course) and ntoskrnl.exe. However, when I caused my regular WHEA Uncorrectable Error, it did not produce a dump file, even after I changed the dump file settings.

    Also, if you are interested in my version of Win10, it is Version 20H2 (OS Build 19042.928)

    Additionally, here is the XML view of the WHEA Logger error in Event Viewer:

    • <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
    • <System>
      <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-WHEA-Logger" Guid="{c26c4f3c-3f66-4e99-8f8a-39405cfed220}" />
      <TimeCreated SystemTime="2021-05-06T11:58:42.9681567Z" />
      <Correlation ActivityID="{129b27c4-d4d6-43fc-bcbc-f5f0a903cbd0}" />
      <Execution ProcessID="5668" ThreadID="6560" />
      <Security UserID="S-1-5-19" />
    • <EventData>
      <Data Name="Length">298</Data>
      <Data Name="RawData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ata>


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  3. 2021-05-07T06:58:39.643+00:00

    As error code shows, it may be the driver’s problem.

    1. You can use sfc/ scannow command in the command prompt as administrator.
    2. You can try to use driver verifier to check what driver caused the problem. Then you can try to reinstall the driver to see if it works.
    3. The latest version of Win10 is 19042.964, you can try to update to the latest one to see if it works.

    Best Regards,
    Ansley Huang

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  4. Olamide Fam 101 Reputation points


    I tried sfc/ scannow and it did find some registry errors and fixed them; however, still got BSOD crash. Additionally, I tried driver verifier but it set me on an infinite BSOD loop due to SYSTEM THREAD EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED due to Hidclass.sys and nko(those did manage to create dump files). Even with deleting the driver verifier settings, I couldn't escape the loop so I just reset my PC (which deleted the minidumps for HIDclass). After getting back up and running, I reran the sfc/ SCANNOW and found no errors so I tried to play a game, and I BSOD'd again with WHEA UNCORRECTABLE ERROR with no dump file. Checked Event Viewer and the error is exactly the same, Whea Logger Event ID 1 with 298 length. Lastly, I tried to update my Win10 version but I could only find an optional quality update, 2021-04 Cumulative Update Preview for Windows 10 Version 20H2 for x64 systems (KB5001391). I downloaded this prior to the driver verifier loop, so I lost it after resetting my PC.

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