how to grab all images from webpage

JohnHenderson1963 21 Reputation points

Hi There,

I wonder if someone can help. First of all this relates to the following link,

The code that I have tried to use was the very last example at the bottom of the page. The issue I have appears at this line of code

img.Save(e.Argument(0) & "\img" & i & ".png")

with the error of "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"

Im not sure as to why I am getting this error. I am using VB 2019 latest community version. Any assistance would be appreciated.

Thank you.

An object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft that is implemented on the .NET Framework. Previously known as Visual Basic .NET.
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  1. Xingyu Zhao-MSFT 5,356 Reputation points

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  1. Viorel 113.7K Reputation points

    Maybe try this modification:

    If img IsNot Nothing Then img.Save(e.Argument(0) & "\img" & i & ".png")

    and clarify why some of ‘IMAGES(i) = Image.FromStream(_WebStream)’ probably fail.

  2. Xingyu Zhao-MSFT 5,356 Reputation points

    Hi @JohnHenderson1963 ,
    You can consider using WebBrowser control to download all images.
    For example:

        Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click  
            WebBrowser1.Navigate("your url")  
        End Sub  
        Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(sender As Object, e As WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted  
            Dim browser = CType(sender, WebBrowser)  
            Dim client = New WebClient()  
            For Each img In browser.Document.Images  
                Dim image = TryCast(img, HtmlElement)  
                Dim src = image.GetAttribute("src").TrimEnd("/"c)  
                If Not Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(src, UriKind.Absolute) Then  
                    src = String.Concat(browser.Document.Url.AbsoluteUri, "/", src)  
                End If  
                Dim filename = New String(src.Skip(src.LastIndexOf("/"c) + 1).ToArray())  
                If filename.EndsWith(".png") Or filename.EndsWith(".jpg") Then  
                    File.WriteAllBytes(filename, client.DownloadData(src))  
                End If  
        End Sub  

    Best Regards,
    Xingyu Zhao
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