Azure AD identity provider with laravel 5.2

Akshay Ramteke 26 Reputation points

Can I implement azure AD as a identity provider with my laravel version 5.2? If yes can anyone give me link or suggest something about it?

Microsoft Entra ID
Microsoft Entra ID
A Microsoft Entra identity service that provides identity management and access control capabilities. Replaces Azure Active Directory.
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  1. Shashi Shailaj 7,581 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    Hello @Akshay Ramteke ,

    Laravel is PHP framework and there are plugins available for Azure AD Integration. But I personally do not have experience with it however you can try to register an app in Azure Active directory . and once an app is registered , you can follow the Tutorial mentioned at Build PHP apps with Microsoft Graph . this does cover general settings and requires understanding of Composer , Laravel and PHP . The azure AD authentication part is also integrated within this tutorial . I believe this will help you with your requirement . We have a first party graph SDK for PHP . Microsoft Graph is best way to connect to every Microsoft service programatically and offers a single endpoint and offers integrations with Microsoft Identity system . There mare many third party plugins as well and as per my research the Metrogistics Azure AD auth plugin is a good one to use with laravel+Azure AD scenario if the Graph SDK provided code does not work for you .

    There are two samples that I found can give you more insights. If you are trying to integrate with a Azure AD B2C application you can use the PHP web app with AAD B2C sample you can deploy a PHP app on linux based app service instance and test any of these. There is another sample which is designed for Office 365 Education tenants used by schools however you will need to go to code author's repository for source code as officedev repo is missing the same.

    Hope the two samples and the links provided will provide you ideas about how to integrate the Azure AD as identity provider with you Laravel application. If the information provided is helpful please do accept this post as answer so that it can help others in the community with similar queries. As i do not have working experience on PHP hence I have not provided any other extensive details. Yet if you still have any issues , please feel free to let us know or post a new thread and we will be happy to help you further.

    Thank you.

    2 people found this answer helpful.

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