Azure Linux VM file recovery option
I am Just doing a test in my lab for the proof of concept . Created an RHEL 7.7 version VM . Now by default If you configure a backup on Azure Linux VM it is file consistent as you don't have any writers like we have in windows.
Created a backup policy as Daily backup with retention for 15 days(5: 30 am) and Monthly backup first Sunday (5: 30 am). Once i configured the backup i took the backup of the Linux VM and since this is first time backup , i assume this takes a complete BACKUP of the VM. and consecutive
backups would be incremental .
After this at the Root / i created another directory as DATA and within this data folder i Created a test.txt file . Then i again took the backup . The first backup took like 50 mins and the second backup took like 20 mins . This should be an incremental backup that means the changes would have been taken into the second backup. That means that DATA directory and test.txt file should be in backup2.
Now if use a file recovery option in Azure Linux and mount that backup as volumes on another Linux machines , i am not able to see that DATA and test.txt file . Why i am not to see this ???? File consistent basically provides facility to take the snapshot of all the files , then why this behavior ?