Hi @Jimmie Traylor ,
Paul's answer in this post would be helpul to you: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/5b5a08ee-eb48-4187-8874-484f8ad5e614/macros-in-a-sharepoint-content-type-document-template-do-not-execute?forum=sharepointgeneralprevious
SharePoint Document templates aren't the same as Word templates. All Office templates are required to be stored on the local computer or a network drive mapped by the local computer. Although you can use a .dotx or .dotm as a SharePoint template. when you create a new document from a SharePoint Library it just makes a copy of the file and renames it as a document1.docx. The actual Office template used will revert to the template behind the .dot in SharePoint, normally the normal.dot in Word. As a result the macros aren't actually wired up in the file anymore since they were wired up by the template.
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