Why does Azure Purview doesnt not show estimated scan time for the scan for Azure SQL database?

Mudassar A 486 Reputation points

Why does Azure Purview doesnt not show estimated scan time for the scan for Azure SQL database?


Microsoft Purview
Microsoft Purview
A Microsoft data governance service that helps manage and govern on-premises, multicloud, and software-as-a-service data. Previously known as Azure Purview.
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  1. KranthiPakala-MSFT 46,432 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    Hi @Anonymous ,

    Firstly sorry for the delay in response and thanks for using Microsoft Q&A forum and posting your query.

    By looking at the screenshot provided above, it seems like the scan is still in-progress status and not yet completed, which is why you are not seeing the scan duration for that particular scan. And unfortunately, there is no option/feature to see the estimated scan time but it could be a feature request for the product team.

    You will see the scan duration once after the scan has been completed. Please see below image to know the scan duration difference Completed scan and In-progress scan:

    Below image shows when the scan is in-progress status


    Below image shows when the scan is completed status


    I believe your scan must have been completed by now and you should be able to see the scan duration for that particular scan.

    Regarding the estimated scan time feedback, I would recommend you to please log a feature request in Azure Purview user-voice feedback forum: https://feedback.azure.com/forums/932437-azure-purview. All the feedback shared in this forum are actively monitored and reviewed by Azure Purview product team. Also would request you to please share the feedback link here, so that others users with similar idea can upvote to increase the priority of the feature request.

    Hope this info helps. Do let us know if you have further query.

    Thank you


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