Can the bottom animation be achived in xamarin.forms android tabbedpage?

mc 3,986 Reputation points


In Xamarin.forms not shell template how to achive that in the gif?

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  1. JarvanZhang 23,951 Reputation points


    Welcome to our Microsoft Q&A platform!

    To change the navigation style of the bottom bar in TabbedPage, try creating a custom tabbedPage renderer to achieve the function on native. I get a related document, you could search with the keyword as Extending TabbedPag to view that.

    Here is the sample code, please check it.

       [assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(CustomTabbedPage), typeof(CustomTabbedPageRenderer))]  
       namespace TestApplication_5.Droid  
           public class CustomTabbedPageRenderer : TabbedPageRenderer  
               Xamarin.Forms.TabbedPage tabbedPage;  
               BottomNavigationView bottomNavigationView;  
               Android.Views.IMenuItem lastItemSelected;  
               private bool firstTime = true;  
               int lastItemId = -1;  
               public CustomTabbedPageRenderer(Context context) : base(context)  
               protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Xamarin.Forms.TabbedPage> e)  
                   if (e.NewElement != null)  
                       tabbedPage = e.NewElement as CustomTabbedPage;  
                       bottomNavigationView = (GetChildAt(0) as Android.Widget.RelativeLayout).GetChildAt(1) as BottomNavigationView;  
                       bottomNavigationView.NavigationItemSelected += BottomNavigationView_NavigationItemSelected;  
                       bottomNavigationView.SelectedItemId = 0;  
                   if (e.OldElement != null)  
                       bottomNavigationView.NavigationItemSelected -= BottomNavigationView_NavigationItemSelected;  
               protected override void OnLayout(bool changed, int l, int t, int r, int b)  
                   base.OnLayout(changed, l, t, r, b);  
                   if (firstTime && bottomNavigationView != null)  
                       for (int i = 0; i < Element.Children.Count; i++)  
                           var item = bottomNavigationView.Menu.GetItem(i);  
                           if (bottomNavigationView.SelectedItemId == item.ItemId)  
                       firstTime = false;  
               void BottomNavigationView_NavigationItemSelected(object sender, BottomNavigationView.NavigationItemSelectedEventArgs e)  
                   var bottomNavMenuView = bottomNavigationView.GetChildAt(0) as BottomNavigationMenuView;  
                   var normalColor = tabbedPage.On<Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration.Android>().GetBarItemColor().ToAndroid();  
                   var selectedColor = tabbedPage.On<Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration.Android>().GetBarSelectedItemColor().ToAndroid();  
                   if (lastItemSelected != null)  
                       lastItemSelected.Icon.SetColorFilter(BlendModeColorFilterCompat.CreateBlendModeColorFilterCompat(normalColor, BlendModeCompat.SrcIn));  
                   e.Item.Icon.SetColorFilter(BlendModeColorFilterCompat.CreateBlendModeColorFilterCompat(selectedColor, BlendModeCompat.SrcIn));  
                   lastItemSelected = e.Item;  
                   if (lastItemId != -1)  
                       SetTabItemTextColor(bottomNavMenuView.GetChildAt(lastItemId) as BottomNavigationItemView, normalColor);  
                   SetTabItemTextColor(bottomNavMenuView.GetChildAt(e.Item.ItemId) as BottomNavigationItemView, selectedColor);  
                   lastItemId = e.Item.ItemId;  
               void SetTabItemTextColor(BottomNavigationItemView bottomNavigationItemView, Android.Graphics.Color textColor)  
                   var itemTitle = bottomNavigationItemView.GetChildAt(1);  
                   var smallTextView = ((TextView)((BaselineLayout)itemTitle).GetChildAt(0));  
                   var largeTextView = ((TextView)((BaselineLayout)itemTitle).GetChildAt(1));  
               //Adding line view  
               void SetupBottomNavigationView(IMenuItem item)  
                   int lineBottomOffset = 8;  
                   int lineWidth = 4;  
                   int itemHeight = bottomNavigationView.Height - lineBottomOffset;  
                   int itemWidth = (bottomNavigationView.Width / Element.Children.Count);  
                   int leftOffset = item.ItemId * itemWidth;  
                   int rightOffset = itemWidth * (Element.Children.Count - (item.ItemId + 1));  
                   GradientDrawable bottomLine = new GradientDrawable();  
                   bottomLine.SetStroke(lineWidth, Xamarin.Forms.Color.DarkGray.ToAndroid());  
                   var layerDrawable = new LayerDrawable(new Drawable[] { bottomLine });  
                   layerDrawable.SetLayerInset(0, leftOffset, itemHeight, rightOffset, 0);  

    Best Regards,

    Jarvan Zhang

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