Trying to redeem free exam from the MS Build Cloud skills challenge fails

Ata Qureshi 56 Reputation points

Hi there, I am trying to redeem the free exam offer pursuant to completing the MS Build Cloud skills challenge but each time I do so I get the following error: "There are no eligible offers available for the selected exam and credentials. Please check that you have used the correct event registration credentials and selected a qualifying exam." I am following the steps exactly and I have not already availed the offer. Any ideas where I am going wrong please. Thanks Ata ![11234-image.png][1] [1]: /api/attachments/11234-image.png?platform=QnA

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  1. MayankBargali-MSFT 69,756 Reputation points

    MS Certification is not currently supported here on QnA. They're actively answering questions in dedicated forums here.

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