I am writing a PowerShell (PS) script to install SQL Server 2019 in an unattended mode. I am receiving an error: "Error: Action "UpgradeMsiTimingAction" failed during execution".
Mostly I use a .INI file to specify the install parameters, but I also pass a number of them on the command line to Setup.exe. While developing my script, I have attempted an unattended setup (via my PS script) and then manually uninstalled it (via Control Panel) a number of times during my testing.
The first thing that I noticed in Summary.txt is /ACTION=uninstall, but I am appear to be passing /ACTION=install on the command line, and there is only one occurrence of /ACTION= within my command line parameters.
I saw a 2013 post where someone with very similar symptoms was told to uninstall Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Applications. I was able to uninstall the language file but not the 2015 or 2017 version of Tools for Applications (the Uninstall button is unclickable).
I manually uninstalled everything that had "SQL Server" in its' name. I successfully re-installed everything by manually launching Setup.exe (i.e. not using the PS script). Then, I uninstalled everything again and executed the PS script - only to have it fail the same was as before. So, maybe there is something incorrect with my parameter value specifications.
Within PS, I do the following:
$Proc = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -FilePath $SQLsetupFullPath -PassThru -ArgumentList $ScriptedSetupOptions
(Start-Process returns immediately vs waiting for Setup.exe to complete, although I understood -PassThru and some other attempted options would make it wait). Could my "UpgradeMSItimingAction" error be due to exiting too soon and dismounting Setup.exe before Setup.exe has completed?
I have the latest version of 2019 SQL Server. Also, I have: VS Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2019 Version 16.9.5.
I attempted to attach Summary.txt and Detail.txt.
Thank you.