HI reuvygroovy,
"Still not clear how to intepret this string:"
There is answer:
Entry meanings:
O:BA Object owner is Built-in Admin (BA).
G:SY Primary group is System (SY).
D: It's a discretionary access control list (DACL), rather than an audit entry or SACL.
(D;;0xf0007;;;AN) Deny Anonymous (AN) all access. (1=Read + 2=Write + 4=Clear) (First ACE string in this SDDL).
(D;;0xf0007;;;BG) Deny Built-in Guests (BG) all access.
(A;;0xf0005;;;SY) Allow System Read and Clear (1=Read + 4=Clear), including DELETE, READ_CONTROL, WRITE_DAC, and WRITE_OWNER (indicated by the 0xf0000).
(A;;0x7;;;BA) Allow Built-in Admin READ, WRITE, and CLEAR.
(A;;0x7;;;SO) Allow Server Operators READ, WRITE, and CLEAR.
(A;;0x3;;;IU) Allow Interactive Users READ and WRITE.
(A;;0x3;;;SU) Allow Service accounts READ and WRITE.
2.How do you break up each group (permission, user, etc.)?
The Security Descriptor Definition Language of Love (Part 1)
The Security Descriptor Definition Language of Love (Part 2)
Fail to write to the Windows event log from an ASP.NET or ASP application
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