Thanks Carrin. Taking into consideration How to analyze SQL Server database performance using T-SQL for CPU, Memory and disk script output , some more guidance :
- For the Query : CPU – Identify workload -> can we say that the database MES_DB2_PROD is utilizing the max CPU and hence the max CPU is to be aligned to the VM where this database is hosted. On a very high level say the initial 1 VM has 12 vcores , the maximum core VM would be the one having MES_DB2_PROD database.
- For the Query : Buffer pool memory management -> The memory utilized defined by the BufferPageCnt. Can we sum up the BufferPageCnt and divide it on the basis of databases to calculate the memory utilized on a high level.
- Disk I/O Management : Defines the disk utilization , but is there a way to calculate the IO's required to calculate the requirement