Hello AzureStack-Team,
deployed ASDK 1.2102.0.9 sucessfully, but after some days, one Infrastructure role got unhealthy.
The health controller Data Pruner is unavailable. This may affect health reports and metrics.
Please contact Support. Customer Assistance is required to resolve this issue. Do not try to resolve this issue without their assistance. Before you open a support request, start the log file collection process using the guidance from https://aka.ms/azurestacklogfiles ."
I don´t know if it´s related to this role, but in the Adminportal under "Capacity" "Hyper-converged storage capacity" shows "No data is available" and "Physical memory" and "Public IP pools usage" all show no values (0%), but this worked fine in ASDK 2008.
Beside from this 2102 is running and i can provision ressources ...
Restarting the ASDK cleanly with stop-azurestack did not solve the issue.
Please tell me if you´re interested in the log files, or if this issue is known to you already.