Authenticator Restore on iPhone Failed, Backup Deleted from iCloud

Darren 6 Reputation points


I have an issue with the Microsoft Authenticator app on iPhone. I raised this within the app but have yet to hear back from support. The incident reference is DRGWWE. Order of events is as follows:

  • Forced backup update to iCloud (not 'iCloud backup' which was off but presumably Settings-> AppleID->iCloud->'Apps Using iCloud' by removing an account and re-adding it. This was as it was unclear if the backup is only updated when something changes and the last updated date wasn't recent
  • Full local encrypted backup in iTunes
  • Update to latest iOS 14.6
  • Full local encrypted backup in iTunes (overwriting previous one)
  • Full factory wipe of phone, followed by restore from aforementioned backup
  • Signed into iTunes with same account
  • Attempted to 'Begin recovery' in Authenticator. A message popped up 'There is no backup stored in your iCloud account. Make sure that you're singed into the same iCloud account you used to create a backup'
  • Authenticator toggle had vanished from the iCloud settings mentioned above
  • I am therefore locked out of many accounts and cannot recovery all of them.

I have opened a support call with Apple and they confirm there are no backups of the area of iCloud specified above, neither is there an audit trail on the data.

However, after having looked through the logs output from Authenticator it looks like the app deleted the backup itself. I would greatly appreciate support as clearly being locked out of accounts is not acceptable and causing me problems where I cannot recover via alternative means.

Please confirm what caused this behaviour, how it can be remedied and whether Authenticator codes are ever stored in local iTunes backups?

Here is a snippet of the logs though the whole log should have been sent along with my email address, though I may have used an alternative email.

    Sat 5th June 2021:

    2021-06-05 20:45:58.347 INFO        PhoneFactor 0   TID=1        907 (reloadBackupSection()) Backup exists, it's encrypted by MSA, and it's originated from this device.
    2021-06-05 20:46:32.601 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=38       139 (scheduleAutomaticBackupOnNextLaunch()) 
    2021-06-05 20:46:32.604 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=38       157 (scheduleAutomaticBackupOnNextLaunch()) Scheduling an automatic backup for next launch.
    2021-06-05 20:46:53.038 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=1        139 (scheduleAutomaticBackupOnNextLaunch()) 
    2021-06-05 20:46:56.752 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=1        182 (getBackupAsync(backupName:mode:completionHandler:errorHandler:)) Getting backup with name Backup in mode 2
    2021-06-05 20:46:56.752 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=31       237 (getBackupAsync(backupName:mode:completionHandler:errorHandler:)) Downloading the backup from the cloud
    2021-06-05 20:46:56.753 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=31       157 (getContainer(containerIdentifier:desiredKeys:completionHandler:errorHandler:)) Getting a CloudKitContainer with name:Backup type:MicrosoftAuthenticatorBackup from the CloudKit storage.
    2021-06-05 20:46:57.021 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=31       245 (getBackupAsync(backupName:mode:completionHandler:errorHandler:)) Successfully downloaded the backup, backup.isEmpty == false
    2021-06-05 20:46:57.025 INFO        PhoneFactor 0   TID=1        907 (reloadBackupSection()) Backup exists, it's encrypted by MSA, and it's originated from this device.
    2021-06-05 20:46:57.465 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=41       247 (updateCloudBackupIfNeeded()) Cloud backup should be updated.
    2021-06-05 20:46:57.465 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=41       182 (getBackupAsync(backupName:mode:completionHandler:errorHandler:)) Getting backup with name Backup in mode 0
    2021-06-05 20:46:57.466 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=38       196 (getBackupAsync(backupName:mode:completionHandler:errorHandler:)) Retrieved a non-empty backup from cache
    2021-06-05 20:46:57.466 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=38       93 (saveBackup(backupName:backupType:encryptionDelegate:completionHandler:errorHandler:)) Saving backup with name Backup. Type BackupType
    2021-06-05 20:46:57.467 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=38       157 (getContainer(containerIdentifier:desiredKeys:completionHandler:errorHandler:)) Getting a CloudKitContainer with name:Backup type:MicrosoftAuthenticatorBackup from the CloudKit storage.
    2021-06-05 20:46:57.638 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=38       317 (updateBackup(_:type:encryptionDelegate:)) 
    2021-06-05 20:46:57.668 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=38       107 (saveBackup(backupName:backupType:encryptionDelegate:completionHandler:errorHandler:)) Backup object updated. Re-upload it back to the server.
    2021-06-05 20:46:57.669 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=38       44 (upload(container:completionHandler:errorHandler:)) Uploading a CloudKitContainer with name:Backup type:MicrosoftAuthenticatorBackup to the CloudKit storage.
    2021-06-05 20:46:57.883 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=31       120 (saveBackup(backupName:backupType:encryptionDelegate:completionHandler:errorHandler:)) Backup successfully uploaded.

    Sun 6th, post restore of iPhone in iTunes with local backup

    2021-06-06 22:52:17.085 VERB        MSA_SDK     0   TID=13       148 (-[MSASmartStorageManager deleteItemAtKey:error:]) Attempting delete from private access group.
    2021-06-06 22:52:17.088 VERB        MSA_SDK     0   TID=13       157 (-[MSASmartStorageManager deleteItemAtKey:error:]) Attempting delete from shared access group.
    2021-06-06 22:52:17.090 VERB        MSA_SDK     0   TID=13       148 (-[MSASmartStorageManager deleteItemAtKey:error:]) Attempting delete from private access group.
    2021-06-06 22:52:17.092 VERB        MSA_SDK     0   TID=13       157 (-[MSASmartStorageManager deleteItemAtKey:error:]) Attempting delete from shared access group.
    2021-06-06 22:52:17.149 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=1        182 (getBackupAsync(backupName:mode:completionHandler:errorHandler:)) Getting backup with name Backup in mode 0
    2021-06-06 22:52:17.149 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=17       223 (getBackupAsync(backupName:mode:completionHandler:errorHandler:)) No backup found in cache
    2021-06-06 22:52:17.149 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=17       237 (getBackupAsync(backupName:mode:completionHandler:errorHandler:)) Downloading the backup from the cloud
    2021-06-06 22:52:17.149 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=17       157 (getContainer(containerIdentifier:desiredKeys:completionHandler:errorHandler:)) Getting a CloudKitContainer with name:Backup type:MicrosoftAuthenticatorBackup from the CloudKit storage.
    2021-06-06 22:52:17.635 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=13       216 (updateCloudBackupIfNeeded()) There is MSA backup metadata, but the MSA account is gone. Delete backup.
    2021-06-06 22:52:17.635 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=13       148 (deleteBackup(backupName:completionHandler:errorHandler:)) Deleting backup with name Backup
    2021-06-06 22:52:17.636 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=13       113 (delete(containerIdentifier:completionHandler:errorHandler:)) Deleting a CloudKitContainer with name:Backup type:MicrosoftAuthenticatorBackup from the CloudKit storage.
    2021-06-06 22:52:17.714 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=16       245 (getBackupAsync(backupName:mode:completionHandler:errorHandler:)) Successfully downloaded the backup, backup.isEmpty == false
    2021-06-06 22:52:18.007 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=26       143 (delete(containerIdentifier:completionHandler:errorHandler:)) CloudKitContainer deleted.
    2021-06-06 22:52:18.008 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=26       54 (deleteMetadata()) 
    2021-06-06 22:52:18.009 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=26       137 (deleteFile(_:)) File successfully deleted.
    2021-06-06 22:52:19.851 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=1        182 (getBackupAsync(backupName:mode:completionHandler:errorHandler:)) Getting backup with name Backup in mode 0
    2021-06-06 22:52:19.852 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=29       223 (getBackupAsync(backupName:mode:completionHandler:errorHandler:)) No backup found in cache
    2021-06-06 22:52:19.852 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=29       237 (getBackupAsync(backupName:mode:completionHandler:errorHandler:)) Downloading the backup from the cloud
    2021-06-06 22:52:19.853 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=29       157 (getContainer(containerIdentifier:desiredKeys:completionHandler:errorHandler:)) Getting a CloudKitContainer with name:Backup type:MicrosoftAuthenticatorBackup from the CloudKit storage.
    2021-06-06 22:52:20.112 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=30       336 (getCloudStorageError(from:)) Converting CKError to CloudStorageError: related decl 'e' for CKErrorCode(_nsError: [CKError 0x28201f9f0: "Unknown Item" (11/2003); server message = "Record not found"; uuid = 56DE179E-B080-4AE8-842E-08D0591D7C1A; container ID = ""])

    2021-06-06 22:52:20.115 VERB        PhoneFactor 0   TID=30       245 (getBackupAsync(backupName:mode:completionHandler:errorHandler:)) Successfully downloaded the backup, backup.isEmpty == true

Thank you

Microsoft Authenticator
Microsoft Authenticator
A Microsoft app for iOS and Android devices that enables authentication with two-factor verification, phone sign-in, and code generation.
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5 answers

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  1. MCob 16 Reputation points

    I am experiencing the same problem. I have all my authenticator codes, for all my accounts, in Microsoft Authenticator. Following the guidelines, early on I enabled the "back up to iCloud option" and tested it a couple of times (backup & restore) before I added more accounts. I trusted the system.

    But this week my iPhone battery died. I went to an Apple Store to get a new battery for my iPhone and they ended up damaging it to the point it didn't turn back on anymore. They apologized, threw my iPhone away, and gave me a new one. I went home and restored it from an iTunes backup I had made just hours before. All good.

    Now, first time running Microsoft Authenticator, I clicked on "Begin Recovery" and it said "There is no backup stored in your iCloud account. Make sure that you're signed in to the same iCloud account you used to create a backup."

    OMFG Microsoft, this is a f%$#ing critical piece of software to make mistakes on, isn't it? Now I'm locked out of everything in my life because I trusted another piece of software from you. What do I do? Is there support for this thing? I'm in panic mode here!!!!

    3 people found this answer helpful.

  2. Martin Pavlis 16 Reputation points

    Hey, everybody,

    exactly the same situation described by others.

    In my case I bought a new iPhone and did the following:

    1. on the old iPhone I made a backup to iCloud
    2. I deleted the old iPhone
    3. on the new iPhone I performed a restore from iCloud Backup
    4. I completed the iOS restore and waited for all apps and their data to download
    5. I am still logged into iCloud and within the iPhone with the same AppleID
    6. The Microsoft Account used for the backup and restore is still the same
    7. after running the Microsoft Authenticator app, when I tried to restore the accounts, I only got the same sentence as the others, "There is no backup stored in your iCloud account. Make sure that you're signed in to the same iCloud account you used to create a backup.".

    I tried doing an iPhone reset and a new restore from iCloud, same situation.
    I tried restoring the backup to a completely different iPhone, same situation.
    I've tried various combinations of deleting the app in iOS and then reinstalling it in combinations of different restores, without success.

    I have been a Microsoft MVP for many years and have made a living doing so first as a consultant and now a Microsoft Gold partner. Because of this professional relationship for many years, I had confidence in the entire solution and thus had dozens and dozens of passwords in the app. Now I am simply and plain screwed and it will cost me a lot of time to recover all the accesses to the various accounts. Somewhere it will go online, somewhere I'll have to do it in person (banks), and from the looks of it, somewhere I'll have to send perhaps a signed (not electronic) physical letter. Just an absolute nightmare. Plus, it's clear to me that I won't be able to remember many of the accounts off the top of my head, so the problem will keep coming back whenever it's least convenient. I am absolutely certain that this situation will plague me for many months and possibly years.

    It scares me that I have not found a single "working solution" to this problem anywhere.
    It scares me that I have not found a single "workaround".
    All I have found are forums full of desperate people, but unfortunately no one answers their questions.

    I assume that will be the case with this post of mine.

    Martin Pavlis

    3 people found this answer helpful.

  3. Patricio Martinez 1 Reputation point

    I'm having the same issue? @ Microsft team is this a bug if so any fix?
    thank you in advance for the help,

  4. Patricio Martinez 1 Reputation point

    I know and I still haven't received any answer since my first post... I started using the Google Auth

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  5. Martin Pavlis 16 Reputation points

    Is it possible to use Google Authenticator to sign into Office 365 services or Microsoft Account to sign in without a password?

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