Setting WebView AllowFileAccess property in Xamarin Forms Shared Project

Raaz Paul 1 Reputation point


How can I want to set below webview settings in shared project

webView.Settings.AllowContentAccess = true;
webView.Settings.AllowFileAccess = true;

Below is the XAML part

<WebView x:Name="webView" Navigating="webView_Navigating" Navigated="webView_Navigated" ></WebView>

Tried custom renderer, but renderer OnElementChanged calls after webview source has been set


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  1. Leon Lu (Shanghai Wicresoft Co,.Ltd.) 75,581 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor


    Welcome to our Microsoft Q&A platform!

    You can create a custom webview add two BindableProperty in the background code.

       public class MyWebview:WebView  
               public static BindableProperty AllowContentAccessProperty =  
               public bool AllowContentAccess  
                   get => (bool)GetValue(AllowContentAccessProperty);  
                   set => SetValue(AllowContentAccessProperty, value);  
               public static BindableProperty AllowFileAccessProperty =  
               public bool AllowFileAccess  
                   get => (bool)GetValue(AllowFileAccessProperty);  
                   set => SetValue(AllowFileAccessProperty, value);  

    Then use it in the xaml.

       <customwebviewdemo:MyWebview AllowContentAccess="True" AllowFileAccess="True" Source="" WidthRequest="100" HeightRequest="100" ></customwebviewdemo:MyWebview>  

    In the android customrenderer, you can set the Bindable value.

       [assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(MyWebview), typeof(MyWebviewRenderer))]  
       namespace CustomWebviewDemo.Droid  
           class MyWebviewRenderer : WebViewRenderer  
               Context context;  
               public MyWebviewRenderer(Context context) : base(context)  
                   this.context = context;  
               protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Xamarin.Forms.WebView> e)  
                   if (e.OldElement != null || Element == null)  
                   var webView = (global::Android.Webkit.WebView)Control;  
                   MyWebview myWebview= e.NewElement as MyWebview;  
                   webView.Settings.AllowContentAccess = myWebview.AllowContentAccess;  
                   webView.Settings.AllowFileAccess = myWebview.AllowFileAccess;  

    Best Regards,

    Leon Lu

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  2. Raaz Paul 1 Reputation point

    Hi Leon Lu,

    Thank you for detailed code. I tried implement it same way, but it still gives same error.

    Apparently, webview goes to renderer after webview has been initialized, i.e. first it has called protected override void OnAppearing() {}, then protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Xamarin.Forms.WebView> e) {}

    This happening at random - for. e.g. If I open browser (navigation.PushModalAsync) 10 time (same url), it will give error randomly 2 to 3 times, other it will load page perfectly.

    Error :

    Webpage not available

    The webpage at
    could not be loaded because:


    Below is my implementation :

    Custom Control (WebViewCustom) = same as yours.
    Rendererer = same as yours

    Below is WebBrowser Page XML that uses WebViewCustom

        <StackLayout HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand">
            <controls:WebViewCustom x:Name="wvBrowser" AllowContentAccess="True" AllowFileAccess="True" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand"  ></controls:WebViewCustom>

    WebBrowser CS

    public partial class WebViewBrowser : ContentPage
        string url;
        public WebViewBrowser(string url)
            this.url = url;
        protected override void OnAppearing()
            wvBrowser.Source = new UrlWebViewSource { Url = this.url };


  3. Raaz Paul 1 Reputation point

    Hi Leon Lu,

    Thank you for detailed code. I tried implement it same way, but it still gives same error.

    Apparently, webview goes to renderer after webview has been initialized, i.e. first it has called protected override void OnAppearing() {}, then protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Xamarin.Forms.WebView> e) {}

    Below is my implementation

    Custom Control (WebViewCustom) = same as yours.
    Rendererer = same as yours

    Below is WebBrowser Page XML that uses WebViewCustom

        <StackLayout HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand">
            <controls:WebViewCustom x:Name="wvBrowser" AllowContentAccess="True" AllowFileAccess="True" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand"  ></controls:WebViewCustom>

    WebBrowser CS

    public partial class WebViewBrowser : ContentPage
        string url;
        public WebViewBrowser(string url)
            this.url = url;
        protected override void OnAppearing()
            wvBrowser.Source = new UrlWebViewSource { Url = this.url };


  4. Derlidio Siqueira 1 Reputation point

    After doing all the custom renderer and configuration stuff, what solved the problem for me was adding android:usesCleartextTraffic="true" at <application> tag in AndroidManifest File.

    permissions: Read External Storage, Write External Storage, Query All Packages, Internet

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