Converting XMLBody to JSONBody for POSTing a request to WebAPI

jansi rani krishnan 601 Reputation points

Hi Team,

I have a PowerShell code which has a XML body structure as follows to make a webservice call.


I would like to include more inputs to the "Initialize Data" activity in one of the Runbook as follows.


To accommodate these newly added fields in the POSTBody and make it more readable, I would like to convert this to the JSON format as below format for all the fields as shown above.

{"RunbookId": "aba22216-e183-4e6b-ba76-de87991eb57e", "Parameters": "<Data><Parameter><Name>UserDistinguishedName</Name><ID>{e9bc0d73-89ef-478e-9db4-09ffbcceba6b}</ID><Value>${UserDistinguishedName}</Value></Parameter></Data>"}

I tried the below command and it is not exactly showing the output as I expected.

$JSONBody = $POSTBody | Convertto-Json

It would be great if someone helped in creating a JSON Body request format for all the fields.


System Center Orchestrator
System Center Orchestrator
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Windows Server PowerShell
Windows Server PowerShell
Windows Server: A family of Microsoft server operating systems that support enterprise-level management, data storage, applications, and communications.PowerShell: A family of Microsoft task automation and configuration management frameworks consisting of a command-line shell and associated scripting language.
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2 answers

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  1. Rich Matheisen 45,111 Reputation points

    Post the XML file, not a screenshot of it!

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  2. Rich Matheisen 45,111 Reputation points

    You can try using the ConvertFrom-Xml helper function from here: convert-multiple-xmls-to-json-list

    Using a stripped-down version of your XML, the code looks like this:

    [xml]$PostBody = @"
    # Helper function that converts a *simple* XML document to a nested hashtable
    # with ordered keys.
    function ConvertFrom-Xml {
        param([parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Xml.XmlNode] $node)
        process {
          if ($node.DocumentElement) { $node = $node.DocumentElement }
          $oht = [ordered] @{}
          $name = $node.Name
          if ($node.FirstChild -is [system.xml.xmltext]) {
            $oht.$name = $node.FirstChild.InnerText
          } else {
            $oht.$name = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList 
            foreach ($child in $node.ChildNodes) {
              $null = $oht.$name.Add((ConvertFrom-Xml $child))
    $postbody | convertfrom-xml | convertto-json -depth 10

    The result looks like this:

        "entry":  [
                          "content":  [
                                              "properties":  [
                                                                     "runbookid":  "12345-6803"
                                                                     "parameters":  "SomeStuffHere"
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