Imports from Azure AD only read objects that are already marked as DirSyncEnabled = True. Objects that are DirSyncEnabled = False (or not set) will not be returned via imports from Azure AD. When you export something that shows as a Pending Export - Add that already has a matching object in AAD, what will actually happen is that AAD Connect will tell the service that it talks to "I have a user with sourceAnchor of X and userPrincipalName/mail/proxyAddresses values of Y/Z, I need it to exist in Azure AD" - at that point, the service that AAD Connect talks to (known as DirSyncWebService or AdminWebService) will take the request, evaluate the state of Azure AD, find that the user objects already exist and will soft match them.
All that to say that the objects showing as "Pending Export - Add" is expected. If the existing objects in the cloud show their source as Azure Active Directory in the Azure AD UI, that means they are NOT DirSyncEnabled = True. In that case, as long as 1) they do not already have a value for ImmutableId in Azure AD, and 2) there is a match on the value for userPrincipalName or mail (possibly proxyAddresses, I'm a bit rusty and can't recall if that is a match criteria as well..), the outcome will be that the AD user and the AAD user soft-match and become linked as one object.