I have an iOS app (and Android, which works fine) where I use a WebView to load a specific URL.
It works if I use "https://google.com" but not if I use the required one which is
I have tried adding various settings for NSAppTransportSecurity but I can't find a clear explanation of what the options are or what they specifically do.
I tried this, but it didn't seem to help:
<true />
<true />
Is there a way, when debugging, to see what the problem is?
I added a handler for WebView.Navigated and the Status is "Success", so it seems to be a problem with the content just not showing in WebView.
Edit 2;
OK, so I added the following to the WebView definition:
And now I can see the content ... however the WebView is now way too big, so I can only see the edge. How do I make the WebView size itself to the full space available in the App - and make the content size itself to the size of the WebView?!