For the status of the important computer files please refer to the prior post and indicate a, b, c, or d.
Please perform the following steps:
1) Find 3 flash drives that you can format (> or = 8 GB)
2) Make tools that can be used to recover important files, test the drives, and troubleshoot
3) On a working computer create:
a) a new bootable windows 10 iso 21H1:
Download Windows 10 ISO File
Create Bootable USB Flash Drive to Install Windows 10
b) a bootable Ubuntu flash drive:
Create a bootable USB stick on Windows | Ubuntu tutorials
4) On the Ubuntu flash drive download and install HP diagnostics UEFI version
5) On the problematic computer insert the bootable Ubuntu flash drive into the applicable USB port > power on the computer > repetitively click F9 > select the Ubuntu flash drive > select the HP diagnostics UEFI > click extensive > click loop until error > run overnight > the next day if it has made two or more loops click esc > take pictures of the tests performed with results > post images or share links into the thread
6) If there are any drive failure codes then plan to backup important files using Ubuntu.
7) If there are no drive failure codes then plan a custom install (steps will be provided)
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